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Tips for online learning

Tips for live online learning

Online learning is a fantastic way to get instruction and keep your movement practice fresh, interesting, and forever growing! There are some practical tips you may find helpful, and we've collected them here. 

What do I need to participate in LIVE online learning?

This may seem like a long list as first glance, but don't be intimidated! It's just all the little details you may have questions about so that your experience goes well!

  • A device that connects to the internet! That can be a phone, tablet, or computer.

    • If you are participating in a LIVE class or lesson your device will need a camera and microphone.

      • Computer cameras have the widest angle lens and may be easier to position and angle​. Laptops are great for this!

      • Tablets and phones work great as well, but will need support to stay in position. A tripod is ideal for this, but any support that is reasonably stable will do. ​​

      • The built in microphone on your device will do great.

  • A stable internet connection

    • If your internet connection is spotty and/or slow, LIVE online learning may not work well for you.​

    • A wifi signal booster or range extender may help the situation.

  • Lighting that is overhead or from the front

    • If you are lit from behind (for example, a window behind you during daylight hours) it will be difficult for the teacher to see you.​

    • You don't need a SPECIAL light set up, just make sure you're fully lit and easy to see!

  • A Quiet Space

    • This prevents unnecessary ​distractions for everyone and makes conversation easier. 

    • Consider silencing your phone and letting others in the area know you will need some uninterrupted quiet time.

  • A Space to Move

    • Be sure to have enough space on the floor and around you to move without bumping into things.​

    • Make sure the space doesn't have obstacles blocking you from the camera.

  • Some Props to Have Handy

    • Nothing crazy, promise! But it's nice to have a few things collected in case you need them, which may include:​

      • A Bolster​

        • You can use a stack of blankets or towels, pillows or cushions work great as well.​

      • A Mat

        • A soft surface will do as well, such as carpet. You can lay a folded blanket or towel down as well.​

      • A Half Roller

        • A rolled up yoga mat or rolled up towel work too​

      • A Stretching Strap

        • A belt, scarf, towel, really about anything works here​

      • Yoga Block

        • Or stack of books​

      • A Chair

        • Nothing special, just a folding chair or dining chair. Something with an upright back.

      • A Ball

        • Yoga Tune Up Balls are great, but a tennis ball, rubber ball, or lacrosse ball will do just as well.​

A few tips on setting up your camera

To get the most out of your lesson/class the teacher must be able to see you! So here are a few pointers when figuring out how to set up the camera:

  • Avoid backlighting (as stated above)

  • Make sure the camera is easy to reposition, or at a distance so that you are still completely in view if you change positions.

  • When sitting or lying down, make sure the device camera is a bit above you, angled down. A ground level view doesn't allow the teacher to see your entire body.

And finally, a couple technical tips:

  • Make sure you have your charging cable handy, just in case your device decides to run out of juice!

  • If you are using a computer, check to make sure the screen saver is turned off.

  • If the lesson is disrupted for technical reasons, don't panic! Most likely we can resume in a minute. If the disruption was from your end, just rejoin the meeting. If it was on my end, know that I am getting back to you just as quickly as I can! 

  • If connection is lost and we can't resume, we'll reschedule. No sweat!

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